Im Abendrot (Text: von Eichendorf)
"Wir sind durch Not und Freude
gegangen Hand in Hand;
vom Wandern ruhen wir
nun überm stillen Land.
Rings sich die Täler neigen,
es dunkelt schon die Luft.
Zwei Lerchen nur noch steigen
nachträumend in den Duft.
Tritt her und laß sie schwirren,
bald ist es Schlafenszeit.
Daß wir uns nicht verirren
in dieser Einsamkeit.
O weiter, stiller Friede!
So tief im Abendrot.
Wie sind wir wandermüde--
Ist dies etwa der Tod?"

This song has everything I long for in classical music, but I already wrote about it before so I'm not going to repeat myself here! Just listen to it okay!
You can download the version I have here. It's an mpg4-file so you might need a plug-in to play it, not sure!
Mooie tekst en een héle mooie foto!
Weet jij wat een goede uitvoering is? Heb na enig zoeken wel een torrent gevonden maar het hield niet over.
I'll listen to it OK.
You're so poetic in your own way, you know that? And the picture is, as usual, stunning!
BTW, Hesse did not write the text to 'Im Abendrot'. It's by von Eichendorf. Unlike the other three 'Last Songs', which were indeed by Hesse.
Still awesome music though.
Ah Misha you're right, I copied and pasted the wrong name from Wikipedia, fixed now!
I added the song to my server for you to download, enjoy :)
Thanx! I already downloaded a version performed by Jessye Norman, but I'll give yours a try too.
BTW, a great piece indeed. Although I liked the other Last Songs equally.
's funny. I never realized until now that this is the music used briefly during the opening credits of 'Wild at Heart'. Yet another reason to go watch David Lynch movies soon! :-)
Yeah I read that on the WIkipedia page and lol'd, since I'm exploring his oevre right now xD
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