Friday, June 12, 2009

Bachelor Thesis: Update 3

I’m chilling with some friends of my study association, because I’m suffering from a tremendous headache. My thesis is literally giving me a headache, all because of those damned microforms I have to study. The old newspapers can only be studied this way, and the old machine that I use to project them makes the letters tiny. So tiny, in fact, that after studying one newspaper for two hours I was feeling dizzy, nauseous and utterly tired. The headache hit me in full force when I walked outside to take a break. The light of the sun was too intense for my eyes, so I decided to flee to the room of my study association.

And here I’m sitting for two hours already, drinking cinnamon tea and chatting about everything NOT study related: iPhones, running the marathon, World of Warcraft, being drunk. You know, the regular stuff. My goal of finishing my thesis next Friday (the 19th) still stands, but it will be a pain in the head.
Current word count: 4,500 (total needed: 8,500)

Going back to the library in a bit, but NOT to study those microforms. Instead, I'm going to take a look at the minutes from the Dutch parliament. *yawns*

1 comment:

Misha said...

Ha! Hoe herkenbaar.

Heb de hele dag in de letterenbieb gezeten. Nu ook hoofdpijn, maar meer door het gebrek aan natuurlijk licht en de (doorgaans overigens aangename) geur van stoffig papier. Page count: 16. Het moeten er uiteindelijk een stuk of 25 worden. Ben wel aardig op weg maar maandag moet de eerste versie ingeleverd. Wordt een heftig weekend.

Semi on topic (want gaat over de Berlijnse muur): 9 november is het 20 jaar geleden dat 'ie viel en houden we in Willemeen waarschijnlijk een muur/koude oorlog gerelateerde 80s party. Noteer je het vast? :-)